Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Mike had to go to the dentist. DENTISTS ARE EVIL
Mike did not want to go to the DENTISTS ARE EVIL
dentist. But, as usual, his mother DENTISTS ARE EVIL
dragged him off to see said DENTISTS ARE EVIL
dentist. It was okay, as visits DENTISTS ARE EVIL
to the dentist go, with the tooth DENTISTS ARE EVIL
inspection, the x-ray, yadda DENTISTS ARE EVIL
yadda yadda. And Mike went DENTISTS ARE EVIL
home, did the usual homework DENTISTS ARE EVIL
etc. , and then he went to bed. DENTISTS ARE EVIL
In the morning, Mike woke up. DENTISTS ARE EVIL
His face felt itchy so he scratched DENTISTS ARE EVIL
it. But it wasn't skin! It was hideous DENTISTS ARE EVIL
tentacles! The "safe" radiation from DENTISTS ARE EVIL
the x-ray had made him into a mutant! DENTISTS ARE EVIL
The End!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Does anyone actually read these?

Da EvilBobmobile wuz big and cool. It had a big gun and could blow stuff up. Sumdude wanted to giv it a paint job, but Evil Bob said “u can’t give da EvilBobmobile a new paint job, cuz its red, and red iz my colour.”

“But it would look really cool wiv sum flames and stuff,” replied Sumdude.

Then Lex1nat0r came along, and said “I can help zzzzz Sumdude zzzzz make his own Sumdudemobile and zzzzz he can paint zzzzz it anything he wants zzzzz.” So Lex1nat0r and Sumdude made a Sumdudemobile and killed sum dudes.
Da End

Monday, December 05, 2005

Sorry this one's a bit late!

Ded Bob wuz ded. He liked to make other dudez ded too. One day, Evil Bob came up to him and said “me and the rest of Da Krew wanna go for a killing spree in the EvilBobmobile, do u wanna come?”

Okay,” replied Ded Bob. So they went to go for a killing spree in da EvilBobmobile, and these iz da results:

Evil Bob: 26 innocent bystanderz and an old fogie.

Ded Bob: 29 innocent bystanderz.

Sumdude (in da Sumdudemobile): 34 innocent bystanderz and 5 old fogies.

Lex1nat0r: 23 innocent bystanderz and 24 policedudes.

I liked that,” said Ded Bob.

“I zzzzz didn’t zzzzz mean to kill those policedudes. They zzzzz just zzzzz got in da way,” said Lex1nat0r.

It wuz still cool,” said Ded Bob.

“So what iz we gonna do now?” asked Evil Bob.

“We could go for a picnic,” said Sumdude. So they had a picnic in da park.
Da End

Monday, November 28, 2005

Another story!

Lex1nat0r wuz defective. One day, Lex1nat0r wuz causing mayhem and chaos, when suddenly Sumdude came up to him and said “Lex1nat0r, will u kill sum dudez wiv me, cuz I iz feeling bored.”

“Okay, Sumdude zzzzz I will kill sum dudes wiv zzzzz u,” replied Lex1nat0r. So they went and got Evil Bob to fire up hiz EvilBobmobile.

“I just installed a fridge,” said Evil Bob, “it iz full of food, like banana monkeys and cheese pie and hed blowing up ninjas.”

“Cool,” said Sumdude. Then the all went to kill sum dudes and generally cause mayhem and chaos. But then they got hungry, so they had a picnic in da garden, and devoured banana monkeys and cheese pie and hed blowing up ninjas.


Thursday, November 17, 2005

Well, here goes the first story...

Evil Bob wuz evil

Evil Bob wuz evil. He wuz walking along evilly one day when he saw Sumdude.

“What iz you doing?” asked Evil Bob.

“I iz gonna kill sum good dudes, wanna do stuff?” replied Sumdude.

“I wuz gonna do stuff in my EvilBobmobile,” said Evil Bob, “but u iz cooler.”

Along the way, Evil Bob and Sumdude met Lex1nat0r.

“Duz u guys like zzzzz cheese zzzzz pie?” asked Lex1nat0r defectively, “cuz zzzzz I got a 50 cal zzzzz.”

“Yes, we like cheese pie,” sed Evil Bob.

Then Ded Bob appeared (he could do dat) and sed “THEN LET’S GO DO STUFF”

Then they did sum stuff and killed sum dudes.

If you liked it please comment good!