Monday, December 05, 2005

Sorry this one's a bit late!

Ded Bob wuz ded. He liked to make other dudez ded too. One day, Evil Bob came up to him and said “me and the rest of Da Krew wanna go for a killing spree in the EvilBobmobile, do u wanna come?”

Okay,” replied Ded Bob. So they went to go for a killing spree in da EvilBobmobile, and these iz da results:

Evil Bob: 26 innocent bystanderz and an old fogie.

Ded Bob: 29 innocent bystanderz.

Sumdude (in da Sumdudemobile): 34 innocent bystanderz and 5 old fogies.

Lex1nat0r: 23 innocent bystanderz and 24 policedudes.

I liked that,” said Ded Bob.

“I zzzzz didn’t zzzzz mean to kill those policedudes. They zzzzz just zzzzz got in da way,” said Lex1nat0r.

It wuz still cool,” said Ded Bob.

“So what iz we gonna do now?” asked Evil Bob.

“We could go for a picnic,” said Sumdude. So they had a picnic in da park.
Da End


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